Does he regret losing me Tarot reading result:Temperance

The Temperance card signifies a situation where you maintain a calm and harmonious approach, even in the face of not being assertive.
After your breakup, it appears that your past lover is contemplating the situation and wishes to remain connected with you as a friend, rather than severing all ties. It seems that your ex-partner occasionally reflects on the breakup, but not with a great deal of seriousness. They are not deeply wounded and are able to think of you in a composed manner. There is no discomfort in their thoughts, leading them to believe that maintaining a friendship with you is preferable to cutting off all contact.
Furthermore, when you are together, they may exhibit a relaxed demeanor, much like before. It is evident that they are not too different in their attitude and behavior. It seems that your ex wants to maintain a good friendship rather than regret the breakup.