Does he regret losing me Tarot reading

Does he regret losing me Tarot free reading

by Asteria

Does he regret losing me Tarot reading result:The Moon

tarot card the moon

The Moon symbolizes a state of chaos and uncertainty, reflecting the current situation with your past lover. They are now filled with ambivalence regarding the breakup, questioning whether it was truly the right decision to part ways.

It is evident that thoughts about the breakup are occupying their mind. They are grappling with the uncertainty of whether they initiated the breakup or merely accepted it, causing them to reminisce about the past and struggle with their emotions. They also ponder if they have lost a valuable partner and reflect upon the factors that led to the breakup.

Additionally, they harbor concerns about their ability to navigate the future without you. The breakup weighs heavily on their mind, triggering a cascade of worries.

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