Does he regret losing me Tarot reading

Does he regret losing me Tarot free reading

by Asteria

Does he regret losing me Tarot reading result:The Sun

Tarot card the sun

The Sun card symbolizes a bright and positive situation, often associated with the realization of dreams and hopes. In the context of your past lover, it appears that they view the breakup in a surprisingly lighthearted manner.

It seems that your ex-partner has very few regrets about ending the relationship. This could be because they now feel lighter and more refreshed than they expected after the breakup. Perhaps they had been putting too much pressure on themselves during your time together. Since parting ways, they have likely been able to pursue their hobbies and enjoy more carefree moments, allowing them to reduce their stress levels. As a result, they genuinely believe that leaving you was a good decision.

With the newfound space in their heart, they will be able to genuinely smile when they see you.

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