will my ex come back tarot

Will my ex come back Tarot Online – Free Reading

by Asteria

Will my ex come back Tarot Result – The Devil

Tarot card the devil

Your ex doesn’t seem to want to end up with you. But unfortunately, that doesn’t mean he/she wants a healthy love.

Your ex seems to want to stick with you for pleasure, money, or lust. Your ex doesn’t show any remorse for what led to your breakup, doesn’t want to change, and only thinks for themself. That person doesn’t think about your feelings.

So, although the chances of you two getting back together are quite high, in this case, not being back with each other can be a wise choice.

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Sophia January 2, 2024 - 4:37 pm

Amidst the storm of a recent breakup, stumbling upon this tarot reading was like finding a moment of calm. It offered a glimmer of hope, but what struck me most was the reminder to prioritize myself. I’m realizing that regardless of what the future holds with my ex, my own happiness and love matter most. This reading nudged me toward self-care and self-love, which feels like the beacon of light in this tough time. Thank you for the guidance—it’s a step towards healing that I truly needed.

admin January 5, 2024 - 5:51 pm

Hello Sophia, thank you for sharing with us your experience!
Breakups can be tough, and I’m really glad the tarot reading offered a moment of peace amidst the storm for you. You’re absolutely right—putting yourself first is key, no matter what the future holds with your ex. Self-love is where it’s at! I hope the reading continues to be a source of comfort and guidance on your journey to healing and self-discovery.


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