Tarot Reading: Does your Crush like you?

by admin

Queen of Coins

Tarot card Queen of Coins

Drawing “Queen of Coins” reveals a nuanced perspective on your crush’s feelings towards you. It suggests a state of neutrality, where neither love nor hate dominates their emotions. Instead, there’s a sense of appreciation and sympathy towards you, indicating that while they may not harbor romantic feelings, they certainly don’t hold any disdain or dislike. This card paints a picture of mutual respect and admiration, where your crush views you in a positive light, albeit not yet through the lens of romantic love.

This reading offers a glimmer of hope and opportunity. While the depths of love may not have been reached, there’s still ample room for growth and development in your relationship with your crush. It encourages you to seize the reins and take a more proactive approach in nurturing this connection. By continuing to foster positive interactions and showcasing your genuine qualities, you pave the way for a deeper bond to form. Keep moving forward with confidence and determination, for every step you take brings you closer to the possibility of a fulfilling and meaningful relationship.

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