Tarot Divination Does He Come Back to You?

Do you still have feelings for your ex? Do you wonder if your partner still loves you? Will the 2 of you get back together? Let’s go back to the Tarot divination card with the King to find out about your ex’s feelings and thoughts.

Tarot divination rules he has come back:

1. Close your eyes, keep a static state for 30 seconds.

2. Focus your whole mind on the question you want to know.

3. Choose a card intuitively and see the answer.

You should only scan the tarot card once to get the most accurate results.

See also: Predict your upcoming love life path

Answer: Let’s see if the tarot divination results come back.

Justice Card

The Justice card says that the person will not come back to you now. It doesn’t mean he’ll never come back, but it appears he’s alienating you because he wants to. Your ex is in a state of emotional instability and confusion.

He doesn’t want to make decisions with his heart but with reason. Your partner wants some space to think and consider what you’re facing to decide objectively, unaffected by your feelings for each other.

– Tarot Divination Results: The Chariot

The Chariot indicates that he will return to you. This card demonstrates change, quickness and determination. It means that your partner still has a lot of feelings for you, and he or she is willing to change for you or wants to mend the relationship with you.

You may both need to slowly review and resolve your kinks before resuming your relationship with each other. Think carefully, analyze and figure out what you should do so that when you come back, you will not make mistakes again and will be together happily.

– Tarot Divination Results – The Devil

Your ex doesn’t seem to want to finish with you yet. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean your partner desires healthy love.

The person seems to want to stick with you for pleasure, money, or desire. Your ex shows no remorse for what led to your breakup, doesn’t want to change and just thinks for yourself. The person doesn’t think for your feelings.

So while the chances of your partner coming back to you are high, in this case, not getting back together can be a wise choice.

Tarot divination results he came back – Temperance

Temperance says he probably won’t come back to you. The card shows long, slow, tiring waits and no progress and no foreseeable future. You may want to think again about wanting your partner to come back, because nothing will change in the short term, and you’ll become more and more frustrated.

– Tarot Divination Results – The Sun

It seems that your ex still has feelings for you. Although he is saddened by the breakup, he does not want to forget about his beloved. Despite the breakup, his love continued. It’s because you shine as brightly as the sun, and he can’t forget you.

So it’s important whether you believe in your partner or not. If you still have feelings and trust in that person, then the possibility of reconciliation and the two of you getting back together is great.

– Tarot Divination Results – The Tower

Your ex seems to hold you back but not out of love, but maybe because of “I still have this to say,” or “I want to make you apologize.”

So, even if you have the ability to get back together, if you go back to the way you were, you will only relive the days of suffering. This card shows that it is better to stay away from that person for now.

If you are willing to be by his/her side no matter what he/she does to you then this card proves to be possible. But if you’re hoping for a happy reconciliation, things aren’t going as you expected. You may want to think about starting a new life without your partner.

Tarot Divination Results He Did Come Back – The Pope

It seems like your ex is ready to give you up. Incomplete love is a painful feeling but the person has passed that stage.

He looked back on your relationship calmly, reassessed his feelings, and realized that a breakup was necessary. Therefore, the love of the two of you has been put into the past by him. Unfortunately, you have very little chance of reconciling with your partner.

If you have a strong feeling that “it has to be her/him,” you must be prepared to start from scratch.

Tarot results he did come back – Wheel of Fortune

It seems like your ex doesn’t quite want to leave you yet. To be precise, it’s not because your partner doesn’t want to have a complete love for you, he or she has a feeling that you’re his destiny.

However, there are things that prevent the person from doing so. Maybe it’s because of the person’s circumstances or maybe it’s because he or she’s noticing someone…

Part of him wants to leave to fate that if you are predestined, you can move towards each other again. The chances of the two of you getting back together are also quite large, but it will be difficult at the moment.

Tarot results he did come back – The Emperor

He seems to have a clear intention of coming back to you.

He used to be indecisive and unable to stop the breakup between you, and he has some regrets about it. But he also believes that this will make him more mature and will not let the same mistakes happen in the future. He was more confident in himself now.

If you show even the slightest sign that you are still there for him, he will declare that he wants to come back to you.

Tarot results he did come back – The Fool

The Fool says that your ex still doesn’t want to completely quit with you.

However, the person still does not fully understand the reason for the breakup and is well aware of the feelings of regret about the relationship. He still feels awkward about breaking up and doesn’t know how to deal with it. In other words, your partner still doesn’t have the courage to start over with you.

So the chances of your partner coming back to you are high, but the situation won’t change right away. You’ll probably have to wait and see for a while longer.

Tarot results he did come back – The Magician

It seems that your ex still has feelings for you. At one point, he/she decided to go his/her own way and try to reach new people, but he/she couldn’t erase you from his mind.

Being apart helped him realize a lot. Now he can see what’s missing from the relationship and is slowly trying to find ways to improve. He’s confident that if you come back, you won’t fail again.

The chances of the two of you getting back together again are quite high.

Tarot results he did come back – Death

Your ex seems unmoved by you. In his/her mind, what happened to you is completely in the past. He has no desire to look back.
For a moment, his/her mind was shaken, thinking “I should have done this” or “If I had said that then we wouldn’t have broken up.” So, unfortunately, the likelihood of mediation is low.

If you can’t think of anyone but your partner, you must be prepared to see him or her again as a new person.

Tarot results he did come back – The Moon

Your ex doesn’t seem to want to get back to you.

What they have in mind are one-sided beliefs like “I did it so badly,” or unrealistic complaints like “I wish I could go back in time before we met.”

There will be no regrets and changes to lead to a better future. Therefore, the chances of your ex-boyfriend/ex-girlfriend coming back and making peace with you are very low.

If you still want to reach out to that person, you may be deeply hurt by his or her negative thoughts.

Tarot results he did come back – Judgement

After the breakup, your partner felt guilty, and tried to free himself by pushing you out of your mind and turning his attention to a new object. However, with time, he is more ready to face the past. Then your partner has a clear understanding of what he should do and should tell you.

He realized how wonderful you were and regretted letting you go. The chances of your partner coming back to you are huge.

If you’re curious about your ex’s feelings and thoughts, a tarot card he or she has back can help you learn more. From there, it is possible to make wise decisions in romance.

Hope the Tarot divination he has back here was helpful to you. May you always have a beautiful love!

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