Money Tarot Divination: Financial Situation 2022

Want to know about your financial situation this year so you can best prepare and plan for yourself? Let’s choose 1 card in the Money Tarot Divination to learn and reflect on your own financial situation.

Money Tarot Divination Rules:

1. Close your eyes, keep a static state for 30 seconds.

2. Focus your whole mind on the question you want to know.

3. Choose a card intuitively and see the answer.

You should only scan the tarot card once to get the most accurate results.

For more: Tarot cards about your job and career

Answer: Let’s see the results of the Tarot card on Money

Card 1 – The Empress

The Empress card says that you should be more careful in your spending because you may want to buy a lot of things and decide to buy without careful consideration so that you may regret it later. Especially if you are a woman, you may have to spend on clothes or more extravagant beautiful things because you want to look better.

But if you’re a man, you have the opportunity to get financial support from an older woman, which could be your mother or your lover. Or your boss can give you a chance to do work where you can make more money.

If you have your own business, your financial condition will improve a little but don’t be careless. You also have the opportunity to receive good news about money but will be delayed.

Money Tarot Divination Results : The Magician

Your financial situation at this time is quite pleasant. While you may not have a lot of money, you won’t have any financial problems during this time. If you have any problems in the past, it will gradually be resolved and you will feel relieved for a while. However, don’t create any new problems from your easy spending because even if you can manage your cash flow now, spending without proper control can create additional problems in the future.

If you have your own business, be careful about financial paperwork. If you are going to invest in new assets, you should carefully research those assets first. Don’t just rely on the advice of acquaintances because if you don’t have the right knowledge of your investment, you could lose money.

Tarot divination results on money – Justice

You will get lucky in money from your own abilities. Your financial situation during this time is quite good. You will have money to spend as you want, but you still have a lot to spend. In general, you will earn and spend money at the same time. You can manage cash flow well but it won’t be enough to save.

If you own a business, you may have a lot of sundry spending. You may worry about the lack of money but your income will be enough to support your cash flow, although you won’t have much profit left.

Money Tarot Divination Results – The Tower

This is an important stage because you feel very stressed about your finances. Maybe you incurred an unexpected expense so you could not manage your cash flow and faced a shortage of money. Try to avoid lending if someone borrows your money during this time as you may not be able to get repaid.

If you own a business, avoid all forms of investment and risk as you can lose a lot and won’t get your principal back. But if you have a plan that involves building construction or renovation, there won’t be many serious problems. Just be careful that it may cost more money than you calculate.

Money Tarot Divination Results – The Devil

You will be under great pressure on your cash flow and may face financial problems due to your careless spending. Be careful and know how to moderate your emotions when spending on extravagant or unnecessary things as it will probably make you regret it later.

If you use a debit card, you can spend in excess of your income and create unexpected debts. If you plan to make a joint investment, you should pause it for a while and take a close look at the deal as you may run into problems later.

If you have your own business, beware of being scammed, non-payment, or late payments that will put you on stress. Therefore, you should be very careful about your financial problems.

Money Tarot Divination Results: Card 6 – Judgment

You will receive news about the money from your former creditor or debtor. If you’ve previously lent money to someone, you may have a chance to get repaid or someone will help you financially. During this time, you’ll want to address your outstanding financial issues. If you have debt, you may want to repay it so that there is no debt left. Overall, there will be a positive change.

If you want to invest, this is a good time and you will get the profit you deserve. If you have your own business, you’ll get support from your former clients or relationships.

If you’re curious what your financial situation will look like this year, a money tarot card can help you learn and reflect. From there you can make informed decisions and make the best plans for money.

Hope the above money Tarot card results are useful to you. Wishing you prosperity and good control over your money!

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